Overview & Highlights

6th Grade

  • Monday - Friday

  • 8:30 am - 3:15 PM


Curriculum Highlights

Language Arts:

This is a 6th grade Language Arts textbook, designed to teach students the basic parts of speech, as part of understanding the structure of written language. It incorporates the basic elements of the different types of writing, namely narrative, expository, and persuasive. Through this course, students will be taught how to take material gleaned from research, and construct well-written sentences and paragraphs, as well as the basics of writing reports. Also included in the Language Arts program is the teaching of Spelling. We use a Spelling book published by the Scott-Foresman company.


The elementary grades (5th grade and below) use the Houghton Mifflin series, Math Central. In the past, we have used the 6th grade book in this series. In the fall of 2010, we will be using the Prentice Hall Mathematics, Course 1 textbook. This is the first book in a middle school Pre-Algebra readiness series. This series will prepare our students for Pre-Algebra and Algebra at the 7th and 8th grade level. Along with teaching students the fundamentals of Math, which will allow them to succeed at the next higher level, is an emphasis on process and problem solving skills.


Expeditions is a series in which every grade’s book is divided into themes. The 6th grade book’s themes are Courage, What Really Happened, Growing Up, Discovering Ancient Cultures, Doers and Dreamers, and New Frontiers: Oceans and Space. The textbook has a balance of historical writing, poetry, historical fiction, and creative writing. In the past, the teacher has also had students read age-appropriate novels. Another part of the reading program is providing time for students to read books of their own choosing at specified times during the school day. Accelerated Reader, an on-line program, is also utilized. This program provides students a list of books to read. Once completed, the student takes a quiz, which then assesses the student’s progress.


The religion curriculum that the sixth grade works from is called “One in Christ”, from Concordia Publishing House.


Scott-Foresman is one of the educational publishers that make up the Pearson Education Group. This book is divided into four major sections: Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Space and Technology. Each chapter has activities and inquiries that relate to the topics being taught. In addition to the material in the book, students are periodically given topics to research, resulting in a written report. In both reports and activities, emphasis is placed on the Scientific Method. In Science Fair years, students prepare a project for the Science Fair.

Social Studies:

This is a history based Social Studies book. It is a world history, beginning with the earliest cultures and civilizations, moves through the ancient empires, continues through medieval Europe, and culminates with the history of present day. Through this course, it is hoped that students develop an understanding of the causes and effects of historical events. This study considers not only the political effects, but also how the cultures and societies of these regions have been impacted.