Academic Curriculum
Saint Luke’s academic curriculum provides a solid foundation for each student to excel.
We offer a full curriculum in academics and the arts. On MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) tests 85% of students scored above test norms this past trimester.
Our religion curriculum places a strong emphasis on a child’s relationship with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our goal is to help students develop in their spiritual life and realize salvation is a free gift, which comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
Our Math program focuses on mechanics as well as methodology with problem solving skills. The success of our math instruction is demonstrated in that the majority of our students score above the 80th percentile in math and many of our students are placed into accelerated math programs in high school.
Social Studies
Our instruction is intended to give students an appreciation of their past and an understanding of the global diversity of the world today by studying the content areas of history, geography, government, and economics.
Language Art
Language Arts consists of English grammar, Reading/Literature and Spelling. Saint Luke places emphasis on all components which constitute the use of language including reading comprehension, written expression, speaking and listening skills, and decoding skills are all important elements of our curriculum.
Music & Fine Arts
Students at Saint Luke receive music and art instruction each week taught by specialist in those areas. In addition to classroom instruction in music, all students participate in a choir which rehearses during the school day. An all-school Operetta is performed in the spring. A band and strings program is offered on site through Walter Lutheran High School.
Our Science program inspires students to be curious about the world which God has created. To achieve this, we focus on our students acquiring the skills necessary to become logical problem-solvers, work cooperatively in groups, and use traditional and modern resources to find answers to their questions. Our new STEAM Lab has given us the ability to increase this curiosity in our students by teaching them to explore more by using coding, engineering, art and math to create an invention of their own!
There are 18 desk top computers running windows 10 and Office 2016 in our computer lab! The lab is part of our newly renovated school library, which allows students to use the computers not only for computer class, class projects, and Internet Research, but also for locating books in our library and local libraries as well! Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade receive computer instruction weekly. Students in grades 2-8th grades have one to one laptops in their classrooms. Interactive white board systems are available in Pre-K through 8th grades and are used to support classroom learning. Preschool-2nd grade share a set of 10 IPADS to help support and increase learning in the classroom.
Our technology curriculum ties nicely with our Science and Math curriculums as the students excitedly learn to program and use our Dremel 3D printer using Autodesk Tinkercad among other programs. Coding and programing of our robots take place during computer class as well as STEAM time.
Class Trips
Class trips supplement and enhance classroom learning. Trips include a week long outdoor education program in 5th and 6th grade and a 7th and 8th grade class trip to Washington, D.C. Numerous one-day or partial-day educational trips to museums, nature centers, and other points of interest in our area are taken throughout the year.
Physical Education
Saint Luke’s physical education program is for all students. All classes, Preschool through 8th grade are scheduled for gym class throughout the week. These classes stress physical conditioning, as well as activities designed to improve coordination and skills in a variety of sports.