Preschool 3 Year Old Program
Must be 3 years old before September 1.
5 day or 3 day program Monday through Friday.
Click here to see the importance and benefits of a 5 day program.
2 classes to best fit your needs. 8:30 am -11:25 am OR 12:00 pm -2:55 pm
Curriculum Highlights
Friends, Me...I’m Special, Feelings, Apples, # 1, Circle, Red.
Advent, Christmas, Jesus’ Birthday, #4, Rectangle, Green.
Lutheran Schools Week, St. Patrick’s Day, Rainbows, Spring, #8, Octagon, Purple.
Fire Prevention/Safety, Fall, School, Pumpkins, #2, Square, Orange.
New Year, Epiphany, Pledge of Allegiance, Winter, # 5, Star, Yellow.
Easter, Caterpillars/Butterflies, Earth Day, Bubbles, #9, Diamond, White.
Family, Food, Thanksgiving, Manners, Health, #3, Triangle, Brown.
Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, Community Helpers, Transportation, #6, Heart, Pink, #7, Oval, Blue.
Farm, Mother’s Day/Father’s Day, Summer, #10, Black, Trapezoid, Review.
The children also work on the following skills throughout the school year:
Recognizing name
Holding and using scissors correctly
Holding and using crayons correctly
Writing name using finger grips
Working independently at learning centers and listening centers
Skipping, hopping, jumping, and balancing on one foot
Our Class Field Trips include:
Winter: ‘In class’ field trip with the Itasca Nature Center
Spring: Walking field trip to the Itasca Nature Center
May: Cosley Zoo and Itasca Fire Department