Preschool 3 Year Old Program

  • Must be 3 years old before September 1. 

  • 5 day or 3 day program Monday through Friday.

  • Click here to see the importance and benefits of a 5 day program. 

  • 2 classes to best fit your needs. 8:30 am -11:25 am OR 12:00 pm -2:55 pm


Curriculum Highlights


Friends, Me...I’m Special, Feelings, Apples, # 1, Circle, Red.



Advent, Christmas, Jesus’ Birthday, #4, Rectangle, Green.



Lutheran Schools Week, St. Patrick’s Day, Rainbows, Spring, #8, Octagon, Purple.


Fire Prevention/Safety, Fall, School, Pumpkins, #2, Square, Orange.



New Year, Epiphany, Pledge of Allegiance, Winter, # 5, Star, Yellow.



Easter, Caterpillars/Butterflies, Earth Day, Bubbles, #9, Diamond, White.


Family, Food, Thanksgiving, Manners, Health, #3, Triangle, Brown.



Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, Community Helpers, Transportation, #6, Heart, Pink, #7, Oval, Blue.



Farm, Mother’s Day/Father’s Day, Summer, #10, Black, Trapezoid, Review.


The children also work on the following skills throughout the school year:

  • Recognizing name

  • Holding and using scissors correctly

  • Holding and using crayons correctly

  • Gluing

  • Writing name using finger grips

  • Working independently at learning centers and listening centers

  • Skipping, hopping, jumping, and balancing on one foot

Our Class Field Trips include:

  • Winter: ‘In class’ field trip with the Itasca Nature Center

  • Spring: Walking field trip to the Itasca Nature Center

  • May: Cosley Zoo and Itasca Fire Department