Parent Teacher League


PTL is the Saint Luke Parent Teacher League, which is comprised of parents, teachers and staff of the school community. If you have a child, or children, at Saint Luke, you are automatically a member of the PTL. There is no cost to join and we welcome your support at our meetings and on our committees.

President: Tiffany Pisellini
Vice President:
Volunteer Coordinator:

Please contact us at

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

Check out our
2023-2024 School Year,
PTL Event Dates.


  • The mission of PTL is to support the school and keep parents informed and connected while providing an opportunity to further develop a positive, family-friendly Christian community. Our main objective is to foster Christian education. We do this by bringing the home and the school into a close relationship, with parents and teachers cooperating in educating the children.

  • The purpose of PTL is two-fold. First, to support the school through a parent volunteer system. PTL helps manage and coordinate some of the various volunteer opportunities that truly help the school function on a daily basis. Second, PTL supports the school by providing incremental funds and monetary support generated through select events. The events are organized by PTL volunteers and all of the events/initiatives are in support of the overall mission and vision of the school.

  • If you have a child, or children, at Saint Luke, you are automatically a member of the PTL. There is no cost to join and we welcome your support at our meetings and on our committees.

  • Meetings are at 5:30 pm

    Tuesday, September 12, 2023
    Tuesday, October 10, 2023
    Tuesday, November 14, 2023
    Tuesday, December 12, 2023
    Tuesday, January 9, 2024
    Tuesday, February 13, 2024
    Tuesday, March 12, 2024
    Tuesday, April 9, 2024
    Tuesday, May 14, 2024

  • Back to School Food Truck Festival

    Forks for Funds

    Color Run

    Snowed In with Santa

    Daddy & Daughter Dance

    Dad & Son Night Out

    Mother’s Day Tea Party

    Teacher Appreciation Week

  • Item description

Thrivent Choice Dollars

Thrivent Choice is designed to give members a choice in directing some of Thrivent Financial’s charitable funds to Saint Luke.



The mission of PTL is to support the school and keep parents informed and connected while providing an opportunity to further develop a positive, family-friendly Christian community. Our main objective is to foster Christian education. We do this by bringing the home and the school into a close relationship, with parents and teachers cooperating in educating the children.


The purpose of PTL is two-fold. First, to support the school through a parent volunteer system. PTL helps manage and coordinate some of the various volunteer opportunities that truly help the school function on a daily basis. Second, PTL supports the school by providing incremental funds and monetary support generated through select events. The events are organized by PTL volunteers and all of the events/initiatives are in support of the overall mission and vision of the school.



PTL is led by a team of officers who help set the overall plan for the year and provides guidance for key committees. In addition to the officers, each event has a leader. Event leaders are identified to coordinate specific plans and needs with each event. All parents in the school are encouraged to participate in activities that would interest them and volunteer their time on that committee accordingly.

Getting Involved

Parents are encouraged to attend the monthly PTL meetings. However, parents can get involved any time throughout the year, although most committees encourage parents to sign up at the beginning of the year so that plans can be made and responsibilities can be determined.



Applications for the school year are now available for students entering Two Littles through 8th grade. These applications are valid for students turning 2, 3, 4, and 5 years old on or before September 1st.